Перевод: с русского на английский

с английского на русский

(usu be in congress)

  • 1 совокупление

    1) General subject: coition, coupling, sexual intercourse
    2) Biology: copulation
    3) Law: congress
    4) Physiology: coitus
    6) Invective: jazz, lay, ride a pony
    7) Taboo: ( the) other, Bologna bop (см. sausage), Donald (см. Donald Duck), Dutch kiss, Irish dip, Irish whist (where the Jack takes the ace) (см. jack, ace), Moll Peatley's jig, Ugandan affairs (sing) (обычно совершаемое в "экзотическом" месте, напр. в общественном туалете), Zinzanbrook (произносится zin-zan-bruck), a little conversation, accommodation, act, act of acts, any (usu get any), ass (usu have/get some ass), axe-grinding, banana, bang (usu have a bang), bash, bawdy banquet, bean-spilling, bedtime story, bedventure, belly ride, belly-bamping, belt, biggie, bike ride to Brighton, bit (обычно "на стороне"), bit of brush (usu have a bit of brush), bit of fish (usu have a bit of fish), bit of flat (usu do/have a bit of flat), bit of fun (usu have a bit of fun) (usu do/have a bit of flat), bit of hair (usu do/have a bit of flat), bit of hard for a bit of soft, bit of how's yer father, bit of jam (usu have a bit of jam), bit of meat (usu have a bit of meat) (usu do/have a bit of flat), bit of nifty (usu have a bit of nifty) (usu do/have a bit of flat), bit of share (usu have a bit of share), bit of skirt (usu do/ have/look for a bit of skirt), bit of snibley (usu have a bit of snibley; особ. с точки зрения мужчины), bit of that there (usu have a bit of that there), blanket drill (usu have a blanket drill), blanket hornpipe (usu have a blanket hornpipe), bonk (usu have a bonk), boody, boom-boom, booting, boozle, buckwild (usu get buckwild), bunk-up, bunk-up (usu have a bunk-up), bush patrol, business, butt, buttock-jig, button working (см. button), candy (часто употребляется в блюзах), carnal knowledge, cauliflower (usu a bit of cauliflower), cha-cha, charver, chauvering, chingazo, chuff, chunk, congress (usu be in congress), cooze, cosy, counter, crack (usu have/get a crack), crumpet (usu get/have a piece of crumpet), cunt, cut a side, cut off the joint (с точки зрения мужчины), cuzzy, daily mail, dash in the bloomers (обычно быстрое и внебрачное), dash up the channel (usu have/take a dash up the channel), depth charge, doctors and nurses (usu play doctors and nurses), dunking, ejectment in love lane, essence of bend-over, extras, feather-bed jig, ficky-fick, fig-fig, first game ever played, fish supper, flagrant delight (игра слов на лат. in flagrante delicto в момент совершения преступления), flame, flatback (в традиционной позиции "мужчина сверху"), flesh session, flip, flop, frame, freak, frig, frock, fuck, fuckeding, fucking, fucky, fun and games, futz, futzing, go, greens, grind (usu do a grind), ground rations (pl), grummet, hanky-panky (особ. при измене любовнице или жене), he-ing and she-ing, home run (см. first base, third base; игра слов на бейсбольном термине), horizontal exercise, horizontal jogging, horizontal refreshment, hose, hot beef injection, hot meat injection, hot roll with cream, hot session, houghmagandy, how's your father, hump, humpery, humpty, hunk, hunk of ass, in and out, interflora (намек на flower power, движение хиппи, девизом которого была фраза make love not war), interior decorating (обычно днем), invitation to the waltz (см. waltz), jackass (usu have/get some ass), jelly, jerk, jig, jiggery pokery, jing-jang (от кит. инь-ян), jive (usu have a jive), jobbing, joy ride, knockie, kwela, lame duck, lay (usu have a lay), leap (usu do a leap), leap in the dark, legover (usu get one's leg over q.v.), lewd infusion, limit, lipwork, little bit, little bit of keg, meat injection, mount (usu do a mount), mugging up, nail (usu have a nail), nasty, national indoor game, naughty, navel engagement (игра слов на naval engagement морское сражение), necessary (usu do the necessary), nibble (usu have a nibble), nifty, night games, nobbing, noogie, nookey, nudge, nudge, nurtle, nut, nutt (особ. приятное), oats, oil change, old one-two, one, one with t'other, pank (см. hanky-panky; особ. вне брака), parallel parking, party, patha-patha, peter, piece, piece of ass, piece of skirt, piece of tail, pile, pile-driving, play the back nine, pleasure, pom-pom, poon (особ. с темнокожей женщиной), pork prescription, porking, portion, prod, pudding, pump, punani, punch (usu have a punch), push (usu have a push), pussy, put-and-take, quim-sticking, quim-wedging, quimming, rabbit-habit, ram, ram job, religious oservances, ride (см. bare-back riding; usu have/take a ride), rip-off, rocking chair, rogering, roll (usu have a roll; обыч. с точки зрения мужчины), roll-in-the-hay, root, route, rub-belly, rudeness, rudies (sing), rule of three, rump-work, rumpo, sausage and donut situation (гетеросексуальное), scene, score, screw, screwing, seeing-to (usu give someone a good seeing-to), service, sex, sex-job, sexperience, shafting (usu give somebody a good shafting), shag, shake, short time, short-arm practice, shot, shot downstairs, shove, shudder, skirt, slam, slap and tickle, slithery, smack, snack-up, snag, snake in the grass, snibbet, some, splosh (usu a bit of splosh), squeeze-'em-close, squelching, strap, strap-on, stroke (usu have/take a stroke), stuff, stuffing (usu give somebody a good stuffing; с точки зрения мужчины), stunt, swing, tail, tail-wagging, ten, that thing, tick-tack, tiffin, tip, tough stuff, trade, trick, trim, trip up the Rhine, trouser action, tumble-in, tummy-tickling, turbot for tea, turn, ugly, under, under cover, valentino, wax, wham (особ. быстрое, не приносящее удовлетворения женщине), wham-bam (особ. быстрое, не приносящее удовлетворения женщине), wild thing, work (usu get (some) work), works (pl), yig-yag, you-know-what, zig-zag

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > совокупление

  • 2 половой акт

    1) General subject: fuck (сокращение от Forced Unlawful Carnal Knowledge), pussycat, sexual transaction
    3) Law: sexual act
    4) Australian slang: bang, leg-over, naughty, nookie, nooky, root
    5) Rude: pussy
    6) Jargon: fun and games, roll in the hay, shag, shag (особ. групповой секс), lay, Valentino, frail job, he-ing and she-ing, pop, valentine, zig-zig
    8) Black slang: ground rations
    9) leg.N.P. carnal copulation, carnal knowledge
    10) Psychoanalysis: sex relation
    12) Taboo: action (usu do/have/take/get (some) action), bit of snug, combined operations, cush, dive in the dark, fucking, grind, leg business, myrtle, nattum (usu have a nattum), poke, sex, shtup
    13) Phraseological unit: horizontal dancing

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > половой акт

  • 3 Г-206

    ГОЛОВА ПУХНЕТ/РАСПУХЛА у кого (от чего) coll VP subj. usu. impfv usu. this WO s.o. loses the ability to think clearly because of excessive work, concerns, noise etc, s.o. is in a state of extreme mental exertion: у X-a голова пухнет (от Y-a) - Y makes XS head spin (reel) XS head is spinning (reeling) Y gives X a headache X feels like (that, as if) his head is about to explode (from Y).
    "...Пишут, пишут... конгресс, немцы какие-то... Голова пухнет» (Булгаков 11). "They...write and write all that crap... all about some congress and some Germans....Makes my head reel" (lib).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Г-206

  • 4 голова пухнет

    ГОЛОВА ПУХНЕТ/РАСПУХЛА у кого (от чего) coll
    [VPsubj; usu. impfv; usu. this WO]
    s.o. loses the ability to think clearly because of excessive work, concerns, noise etc, s.o. is in a state of extreme mental exertion:
    - у X-a голова пухнет (от Y-a) Y makes X's head spin < reel>;
    - X feels like (that, as if) his head is about to explode (from Y). "...Пишут, пишут... конгресс, немцы какие-то... Голова пухнет" (Булгаков 11). “They... write and write all that crap... all about some congress and some Germans.... Makes my head reel” (lib).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > голова пухнет

  • 5 голова распухла

    ГОЛОВА ПУХНЕТ/РАСПУХЛА у кого (от чего) coll
    [VPsubj; usu. impfv; usu. this WO]
    s.o. loses the ability to think clearly because of excessive work, concerns, noise etc, s.o. is in a state of extreme mental exertion:
    - у X-a голова пухнет( от Y-a) Y makes X's head spin < reel>;
    - X feels like (that, as if) his head is about to explode (from Y). "...Пишут, пишут... конгресс, немцы какие-то... Голова пухнет" (Булгаков 11). “They... write and write all that crap... all about some congress and some Germans.... Makes my head reel” (lib).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > голова распухла

  • 6 В-230

    И ВОЛКИ СЫТЫ, И ОВЦЫ ЦЕЛЫ (saying often used as a subord clause introduced by чтобы) sth. satisfies both parties involved, both opposing sides ( usu. said in situations when a person is trying to please two people or parties with different interests or views): - the wolves are sated and the sheep intact we (you etc) have pleased everyone we (you etc) have managed to keep everyone happy Peter has been paid without robbing Paul.
    (Мамаев:) В какие отношения ты поставил себя к тетке? (Глумов:) Я человек благовоспитанный, учтивости меня учить не надо. (Мамаев:) Ну, вот и глупо... Женщины не прощают тому, кто не замечает их красоты... (Ты) имеешь больше свободы, чем просто знакомый можешь иногда... лишний раз ручку поцеловать. Она женщина темперамента сангвинического... очень легко может увлечься каким-нибудь франтом... А тут, понимаешь ты... свой, испытанный человек. И волки сыты, и овцы целы (Островский 9). (М.:) What are your relations with your aunt? (G.:) I have had a proper upbringing, it is not necessary to teach me how to respect my elders. (M.:) Poppycock!...Women never forgive a person for not noticing their beauty....You can take more liberties than just an acquaintance. Might kiss her hand an extra time or so....Your aunt, she's very temperamental...she could easily fall for some dandy....But you, you're one of the family, one to be trusted. In this way the wolves are sated and the sheep intact (9b).
    «Мы веб хотим, чтоб и волки были сытые, и овцы целые, а Каледин, он не так думает. Нами перехвачен его приказ об аресте всех участников вот этого съезда» (Шолохов 3). "We want to please everyone, but that's not what Kaledin wants. Ws've just intercepted his order that everyone taking part in this congress is to be arrested" (3a).
    Несколько зная язык, он писал статью начерно, оставляя пробелы, вкрапливая русские фразы и требуя от Фёдора Константиновича дословного перевода своих передовичных словец:...пришла беда — растворяй ворота, и волки сыты, и овцы целы... (Набоков 1). Having a smattering of the language, he wrote his article out in rough, with gaps and Russian phrases interspersed, and demanded from Fyodor a literal translation of the usual phrases found in leaders:...troubles never come singly, Peter's been paid without robbing Paul... (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > В-230

  • 7 П-260

    И HE ПОДУМАЮ (ешь и т. п.) coil VP subj: human fixed WO
    (used as a response to a suggestion, request etc) I will not (do sth.), I do not intend to (do sth.): no way (would I do sth.)
    no chance nothing doing! ( usu. when the speaker is wounded, insulted, or outraged by the interlocutor's suggestion) I wouldn't dream (think) of it (of doing such a thing etc).
    «Ты был неправ, извинись». - «И не подумаю». "You were wrong, apologize." "No way."
    Съезд открылся ровно через десять минут после того, как мы заняли чьи-то чужие кресла... (Машка) стала писать знакомым студентам анонимные записки, глупые, но довольно смешные. «Кто это?» -спросила она, когда Митя, которого я до сих пор не видела, появился на эстраде... Я ответила: «Доктор Львов». - «Ты его знаешь?». - «Немного»... - «Давай напишем ему... А потом ты нас познакомишь». - «И не подумаю». - «Не познакомишь?». - «Да нет, могу познакомить, но зачем же писать?» (Каверин 1). The Congress began exactly ten minutes after we had taken somebody else's seats..(Mashka) began to write anonymous notes to students she knew. It was silly, but quite funny "Who's that?" she asked, when Mitya, whom I hadn't seen until then, appeared on the dais.."Dr. Lvov," I replied. "Do you know him?" "A little."..."Let's write to him...Then later on you'll introduce me to him " "I wouldn't think of doing such a thing." "What, you won't introduce me?" "Why, yes, perhaps, but why should I write to him?" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > П-260

  • 8 Т-185

    ПОПАДАТЬ/ПОПАСТЬ В (САМУЮ) ТОЧКУ coll VP subj: human usu. pfv) to say or do exactly the right thing, the precise thing that is fitting at the given moment
    X попал в самую точку - X hit the nail on the head
    X hit the builds-eye (the builds eye) X hit the mark X was right on target (on the mark, on the money) X hit it just right X hit it right on the nose.
    Решения 20-го съезда обнадежили его (Хикмета) всерьёз, -как многих. Он написал тогда чудесную сатирическую пьесу «А был ли Иван Иванович?», высмеивая советских сателлитов - очевидно, Венгрию и Ракоши. Последовали венгерские события. Хикмет попал в самую точку (Аллилуева 2). The decisions of the Twentieth Congress raised his (Hikmet's) hopes in earnest, as they did those of many others. He wrote a wonderful satirical play called But Was There an Ivan Ivanovich ? In it he made fun of Soviet satellites-obviously of Hungary and Rakosi. The Hungarian events of 1956 followed. Hikmet had hit the nail on the head (2a).
    «Размахались мотыгами! Небось им кажется - они вроде не на поле Сандро, а друг с дружкой усердствуют!» - «В точку попал!» - хором согласились с ним несколько чегемцев, стоящих рядом... (Искандер 5). "They've gone wild with their hoes! I daresay it's not Sandro's field they're doing so zealously-they think they're doing it with each other!" "Bull's eye!" several Che-gemians standing nearby chorused in agreement (5a).
    А кто ему доложил о „Канатике"? Не ты?» Варя сказала наугад, но попала в точку (Рыбаков 2). "And I suppose it wasn't you who told him about what happened in the Kanatik!" It was a wild guess, but Varya had hit the mark (2a).
    «Это значит опять-таки что: „с умным человеком и поговорить любопытно" - а?» - проскрежетал Иван. «В самую точку изволили-с. Умным и будьте-с» (Достоевский 2). "So once again: 'It's always interesting to talk with an intelligent man'-eh?" Ivan snarled. "Right on the mark, if I may say so, sir. So be intelligent, sir" (2a).
    Если Сын Оленя, - говорили они, - предсказывает, какую подлость учинит подлец, подбавь от себя немного подлости и попадешь в самую точку» (Искандер 5). uIf the Son of the Deer," they said, "predicts the villainy a villain will commit, add a little villainy on your own and you'll hit it just right" (5a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Т-185

  • 9 и волки сыты, и овцы целы

    [saying; often used as a subord clause introduced by чтобы]
    sth. satisfies both parties involved, both opposing sides (usu. said in situations when a person is trying to please two people or parties with different interests or views):
    - we <you etc> have pleased everyone;
    - we <you etc> have managed to keep everyone happy;
    - Peter has been paid without robbing Paul.
         ♦ [Мамаев:] В какие отношения ты поставил себя к тётке? [Глумов:] Я человек благовоспитанный, учтивости меня учить не надо. [Мамаев:] Ну, вот и глупо... Женщины не прощают тому, кто не замечает их красоты... [ Ты] имеешь больше свободы, чем просто знакомый; можешь иногда... лишний раз ручку поцеловать. Она женщина темперамента сангвинического... очень легко может увлечься каким-нибудь франтом... А тут, понимаешь ты... свой, испытанный человек. И волки сыты, и овцы целы (Островский 9). [М.:] What are your relations with your aunt? [G.:] I have had a proper upbringing, it is not necessary to teach me how to respect my elders. [M.:] Poppycock!...Women never forgive a person for not noticing their beauty....You can take more liberties than just an acquaintance. Might kiss her hand an extra time or so....Your aunt, she's very temperamental...she could easily fall for some dandy....But you, you're one of the family, one to be trusted. In this way the wolves are sated and the sheep intact (9b).
         ♦ "Мы все хотим, чтоб и волки были сытые, и овцы целые, а Каледин, он не так думает. Нами перехвачен его приказ об аресте всех участников вот этого съезда" (Шолохов 3). "We want to please everyone, but that's not what Kaledin wants. Ws've just intercepted his order that everyone taking part in this congress is to be arrested" (3a).
         ♦ Несколько зная язык, он писал статью начерно, оставляя пробелы, вкрапливая русские фразы и требуя от Фёдора Константиновича дословного перевода своих передовичных словец:...пришла беда - растворяй ворота, и волки сыты, и овцы целы... (Набоков 1). Having a smattering of the language, he wrote his article out in rough, with gaps and Russian phrases interspersed, and demanded from Fyodor a literal translation of the usual phrases found in leaders:...troubles never come singly, Peter's been paid without robbing Paul... (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > и волки сыты, и овцы целы

  • 10 и не подумаю

    И НЕ ПОДУМАЮ (-ешь и т. п.) coll
    [VP; subj: human; fixed WO]
    (used as a response to a suggestion, request etc) I will not (do sth.), I do not intend to (do sth.):
    - no way (would I do sth.);
    - nothing doing!;
    - [usu. when the speaker is wounded, insulted, or outraged by the interlocutor's suggestion] I wouldn't dream (think) of it (of doing such a thing etc).
         ♦ "Ты был неправ, извинись". - "И не подумаю". "You were wrong, apologize." "No way."
         ♦ Съезд открылся ровно через десять минут после того, как мы заняли чьи-то чужие кресла... [Машка] стала писать знакомым студентам анонимные записки, глупые, но довольно смешные. "Кто это?" - спросила она, когда Митя, которого я до сих пор не видела, появился на эстраде... Я ответила: "Доктор Львов". - "Ты его знаешь?". - " Немного"... - "Давай напишем ему... А потом ты нас познакомишь". - "И не подумаю". - "Не познакомишь?". - "Да нет, могу познакомить, но зачем же писать?" (Каверин 1). The Congress began exactly ten minutes after we had taken somebody else's seats..[Mashka] began to write anonymous notes to students she knew. It was silly, but quite funny "Who's that?" she asked, when Mitya, whom I hadn't seen until then, appeared on the dais.."Dr. Lvov," I replied. "Do you know him?" "A little."..."Let's write to him...Then later on you'll introduce me to him " "I wouldn't think of doing such a thing." "What, you won't introduce me?" "Why, yes, perhaps, but why should I write to him?" (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > и не подумаю

  • 11 попадать в самую точку

    [VP; subj: human; usu. pfv]
    to say or do exactly the right thing, the precise thing that is fitting at the given moment:
    - X попал в самую точку X hit the nail on the head;
    - X was right on target (on the mark, on the money);
    - X hit it right on the nose.
         ♦ Решения 20-го съезда обнадежили его [Хикмета] всерьёз, - как многих. Он написал тогда чудесную сатирическую пьесу "А был ли Иван Иванович?", высмеивая советских сателлитов - очевидно, Венгрию и Ракоши. Последовали венгерские события. Хикмет попал в самую точку (Аллилуева 2). The decisions of the Twentieth Congress raised his [Hikmet's] hopes in earnest, as they did those of many others. He wrote a wonderful satirical play called But Was There an Ivan Ivanovich ? In it he made fun of Soviet satellites-obviously of Hungary and Rakosi. The Hungarian events of 1956 followed. Hikmet had hit the nail on the head (2a).
         ♦ "Размахались мотыгами! Небось им кажется - они вроде не на поле Сандро, а друг с дружкой усердствуют!" - "В точку попал!" - хором согласились с ним несколько чегемцев, стоящих рядом... (Искандер 5). "They've gone wild with their hoes! I daresay it's not Sandro's field they're doing so zealously-they think they're doing it with each other!" "Bull's eye!" several Chegemians standing nearby chorused in agreement (5a).
         ♦ "А кто ему доложил о "Канатике"? Не ты?" Варя сказала наугад, но попала в точку (Рыбаков 2). "And I suppose it wasn't you who told him about what happened in the Kanatik!" It was a wild guess, but Varya had hit the mark (2a).
         ♦ "Это значит опять-таки что: "с умным человеком и поговорить любопытно" - а?" - проскрежетал Иван. "В самую точку изволили-с. Умным и будьте-с" (Достоевский 2). "So once again: 'It's always interesting to talk with an intelligent man'-eh?" Ivan snarled. "Right on the mark, if I may say so, sir. So be intelligent, sir" (2a).
         ♦ "Если Сын Оленя, - говорили они, - предсказывает, какую подлость учинит подлец, подбавь от себя немного подлости и попадешь в самую точку" (Искандер 5). "If the Son of the Deer," they said, "predicts the villainy a villain will commit, add a little villainy on your own and you'll hit it just right" (5a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > попадать в самую точку

  • 12 попадать в точку

    [VP; subj: human; usu. pfv]
    to say or do exactly the right thing, the precise thing that is fitting at the given moment:
    - X попал в самую точку X hit the nail on the head;
    - X was right on target (on the mark, on the money);
    - X hit it right on the nose.
         ♦ Решения 20-го съезда обнадежили его [Хикмета] всерьёз, - как многих. Он написал тогда чудесную сатирическую пьесу "А был ли Иван Иванович?", высмеивая советских сателлитов - очевидно, Венгрию и Ракоши. Последовали венгерские события. Хикмет попал в самую точку (Аллилуева 2). The decisions of the Twentieth Congress raised his [Hikmet's] hopes in earnest, as they did those of many others. He wrote a wonderful satirical play called But Was There an Ivan Ivanovich ? In it he made fun of Soviet satellites-obviously of Hungary and Rakosi. The Hungarian events of 1956 followed. Hikmet had hit the nail on the head (2a).
         ♦ "Размахались мотыгами! Небось им кажется - они вроде не на поле Сандро, а друг с дружкой усердствуют!" - "В точку попал!" - хором согласились с ним несколько чегемцев, стоящих рядом... (Искандер 5). "They've gone wild with their hoes! I daresay it's not Sandro's field they're doing so zealously-they think they're doing it with each other!" "Bull's eye!" several Chegemians standing nearby chorused in agreement (5a).
         ♦ "А кто ему доложил о "Канатике"? Не ты?" Варя сказала наугад, но попала в точку (Рыбаков 2). "And I suppose it wasn't you who told him about what happened in the Kanatik!" It was a wild guess, but Varya had hit the mark (2a).
         ♦ "Это значит опять-таки что: "с умным человеком и поговорить любопытно" - а?" - проскрежетал Иван. "В самую точку изволили-с. Умным и будьте-с" (Достоевский 2). "So once again: 'It's always interesting to talk with an intelligent man'-eh?" Ivan snarled. "Right on the mark, if I may say so, sir. So be intelligent, sir" (2a).
         ♦ "Если Сын Оленя, - говорили они, - предсказывает, какую подлость учинит подлец, подбавь от себя немного подлости и попадешь в самую точку" (Искандер 5). "If the Son of the Deer," they said, "predicts the villainy a villain will commit, add a little villainy on your own and you'll hit it just right" (5a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > попадать в точку

  • 13 попасть в самую точку

    [VP; subj: human; usu. pfv]
    to say or do exactly the right thing, the precise thing that is fitting at the given moment:
    - X попал в самую точку X hit the nail on the head;
    - X was right on target (on the mark, on the money);
    - X hit it right on the nose.
         ♦ Решения 20-го съезда обнадежили его [Хикмета] всерьёз, - как многих. Он написал тогда чудесную сатирическую пьесу "А был ли Иван Иванович?", высмеивая советских сателлитов - очевидно, Венгрию и Ракоши. Последовали венгерские события. Хикмет попал в самую точку (Аллилуева 2). The decisions of the Twentieth Congress raised his [Hikmet's] hopes in earnest, as they did those of many others. He wrote a wonderful satirical play called But Was There an Ivan Ivanovich ? In it he made fun of Soviet satellites-obviously of Hungary and Rakosi. The Hungarian events of 1956 followed. Hikmet had hit the nail on the head (2a).
         ♦ "Размахались мотыгами! Небось им кажется - они вроде не на поле Сандро, а друг с дружкой усердствуют!" - "В точку попал!" - хором согласились с ним несколько чегемцев, стоящих рядом... (Искандер 5). "They've gone wild with their hoes! I daresay it's not Sandro's field they're doing so zealously-they think they're doing it with each other!" "Bull's eye!" several Chegemians standing nearby chorused in agreement (5a).
         ♦ "А кто ему доложил о "Канатике"? Не ты?" Варя сказала наугад, но попала в точку (Рыбаков 2). "And I suppose it wasn't you who told him about what happened in the Kanatik!" It was a wild guess, but Varya had hit the mark (2a).
         ♦ "Это значит опять-таки что: "с умным человеком и поговорить любопытно" - а?" - проскрежетал Иван. "В самую точку изволили-с. Умным и будьте-с" (Достоевский 2). "So once again: 'It's always interesting to talk with an intelligent man'-eh?" Ivan snarled. "Right on the mark, if I may say so, sir. So be intelligent, sir" (2a).
         ♦ "Если Сын Оленя, - говорили они, - предсказывает, какую подлость учинит подлец, подбавь от себя немного подлости и попадешь в самую точку" (Искандер 5). "If the Son of the Deer," they said, "predicts the villainy a villain will commit, add a little villainy on your own and you'll hit it just right" (5a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > попасть в самую точку

  • 14 попасть в точку

    [VP; subj: human; usu. pfv]
    to say or do exactly the right thing, the precise thing that is fitting at the given moment:
    - X попал в самую точку X hit the nail on the head;
    - X was right on target (on the mark, on the money);
    - X hit it right on the nose.
         ♦ Решения 20-го съезда обнадежили его [Хикмета] всерьёз, - как многих. Он написал тогда чудесную сатирическую пьесу "А был ли Иван Иванович?", высмеивая советских сателлитов - очевидно, Венгрию и Ракоши. Последовали венгерские события. Хикмет попал в самую точку (Аллилуева 2). The decisions of the Twentieth Congress raised his [Hikmet's] hopes in earnest, as they did those of many others. He wrote a wonderful satirical play called But Was There an Ivan Ivanovich ? In it he made fun of Soviet satellites-obviously of Hungary and Rakosi. The Hungarian events of 1956 followed. Hikmet had hit the nail on the head (2a).
         ♦ "Размахались мотыгами! Небось им кажется - они вроде не на поле Сандро, а друг с дружкой усердствуют!" - "В точку попал!" - хором согласились с ним несколько чегемцев, стоящих рядом... (Искандер 5). "They've gone wild with their hoes! I daresay it's not Sandro's field they're doing so zealously-they think they're doing it with each other!" "Bull's eye!" several Chegemians standing nearby chorused in agreement (5a).
         ♦ "А кто ему доложил о "Канатике"? Не ты?" Варя сказала наугад, но попала в точку (Рыбаков 2). "And I suppose it wasn't you who told him about what happened in the Kanatik!" It was a wild guess, but Varya had hit the mark (2a).
         ♦ "Это значит опять-таки что: "с умным человеком и поговорить любопытно" - а?" - проскрежетал Иван. "В самую точку изволили-с. Умным и будьте-с" (Достоевский 2). "So once again: 'It's always interesting to talk with an intelligent man'-eh?" Ivan snarled. "Right on the mark, if I may say so, sir. So be intelligent, sir" (2a).
         ♦ "Если Сын Оленя, - говорили они, - предсказывает, какую подлость учинит подлец, подбавь от себя немного подлости и попадешь в самую точку" (Искандер 5). "If the Son of the Deer," they said, "predicts the villainy a villain will commit, add a little villainy on your own and you'll hit it just right" (5a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > попасть в точку

См. также в других словарях:

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  • congress — con·gress käŋ grəsalso rəs, Brit usu käŋ .gres n COITUS …   Medical dictionary

  • Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine — The Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine (HJF) is a private, not for profit organization established in 1983 and authorized by Congress to support medical research and education at the Uniformed Services University …   Wikipedia

  • court — / kōrt/ n [Old French, enclosed space, royal entourage, court of justice, from Latin cohort cohors farmyard, armed force, retinue] 1 a: an official assembly for the administration of justice: a unit of the judicial branch of government the… …   Law dictionary

  • power — pow·er n 1: capability of acting or of producing an effect parties of unequal bargaining power 2 a: authority or capacity to act that is delegated by law or constitution often used in pl. commerce power often cap C&P: the power delegated to… …   Law dictionary

  • recess — [[t]rɪse̱s, ri͟ːses[/t]] recesses, recessing, recessed 1) N COUNT: also in/from N A recess is a break between the periods of work of an official body such as a committee, a court of law, or a government. The conference broke for a recess, but the …   English dictionary

  • end — [[t]e̱nd[/t]] ♦ ends, ending, ended 1) N SING: the N, usu prep N, N of n The end of something such as a period of time, an event, a book, or a film is the last part of it or the final point in it. The ₤5 banknote was first issued at the end of… …   English dictionary

  • run — [[t]rʌ̱n[/t]] ♦ runs, running, ran (The form run is used in the present tense and is also the past participle of the verb.) 1) VERB When you run, you move more quickly than when you walk, for example because you are in a hurry to get somewhere,… …   English dictionary

  • arm — I [[t]ɑ͟ː(r)m[/t]] PART OF YOUR BODY OR OF SOMETHING ELSE ♦ arms 1) N COUNT Your arms are the two long parts of your body that are attached to your shoulders and that have your hands at the end. She stretched her arms out... He had a large parcel …   English dictionary

  • light — I [[t]la͟ɪt[/t]] BRIGHTNESS OR ILLUMINATION ♦♦ lights, lighting, lit, lighted, lighter, lightest (The form lit is the usual past tense and past participle, but the form lighted is also used.) 1) N UNCOUNT: also the N Light is the brightness that… …   English dictionary

  • First Transcontinental Railroad — This article refers to a railroad built in the United States between Omaha and Sacramento, completed in 1869. For other transcontinental railroads see transcontinental railroad. At the ceremony for the driving of the Last Spike at Promontory… …   Wikipedia

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